Ultra Short Range 75HSX / 80HSX

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side view image of Surphaser 75HSX Ultra Short Range 3d laser scanner

Class 3R

Surphaser® 75HSX Ultra Short Range

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side view image of Surphaser 80HSX Ultra Short Range 3d laser scanner

Class 1

Surphaser® 80HSX Ultra Short Range

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Known for its unsurpassed accuracy and scan quality, the Surphaser line of scanners offers both short-range and medium-range models ideal for use in reverse engineering, dimensional control, BIM, historic preservation, architecture, and forensics.

  • Deep submillimeter noise and 3D error.
  • Scanning ranges from 0.25m to 2.5m for model 75HSX and 0.25 to 7 m for model 80HSX.
  • Small form factor (278 x 200 x 118 mm).
  • Weighs only 6 kg (12 lbs).
  • Robust construction, designed to operate in tough industrial and outdoor environments.
  • Easy to set up and move, fits into a carry-on size case.
  • Built-in PC controller and battery allow for operation without a laptop and main power.
  • Two fully integrated 5MP cameras; software for automatic color data mapping.

Surphaser® 75HSX / 80HSX configurations

Configuration 75HSX Class 3R 80HSX4 Class 1
Mode (software selectable)

208,000 pps


208,000 pps


832,000 pps

Recommended Work
Range (m)
0.25-2.5 0.25-7 0.25-7
Ambiguity Range (m) 90 180 180
Angular Uncertainty1,3
(arc sec)
25 25 25
Range Noise1,2, mm;
90% reflectivity
@ 0.3m4m
@ 0.3m4m
Range Noise1,2, mm;
10% reflectivity
@ 0.3m4m
@ 0.3m4m
Range Uncertainty3sup>

1 All noise and uncertainty figures are for 1 sigma level2 Range noise — local (short term) range variation, Lambertian surface3  Evaluated with contrast target best fit at data rate of 208,000/832,000 points
per sec respectively 44 HQ and HP are software selectable options
based on the same hardware model 80HSX.System Parameters may be changed without notice; parameters are rated independently

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